Hi, it's Tina and I'm here with your one-minute management tip. Today, I'm going to talk about training.

Now, in many of our offices, we are running short-staffed. So, why don't we use videos, and maybe many of you do, for our training? And what you do is as you're training someone, you record it. On your phone, you can download it and put it in a Dropbox so that everyone can watch it, but that this will allow you to create a reusable resource.

So let's say you're learning or you're teaching how to set up a sterile tray. Someone records the person setting up the sterile tray correctly. The person who's being recorded talks about what they are doing and how they are doing it. Boom, it's done. This way, when you have to train new people, they can watch this video because it allows for you to review, the person to review, and it helps them to retain because they are watching and listening.

You also can have your written protocols that go along with this as well.  When you have video training, it reduces interruptions. The people who are being trained can watch the videos over and over during their training times without someone having to be there for the complete time. Now, you do need to make sure that you have a time for them to ask questions and to receive the answers to the questions they have while they are watching the videos. 

This also standardizes training. Everyone learns to do tasks the same way. Now, if you have questions regarding how to make your videos and about the standardization, all you have to do is email me at [email protected]. Take care. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.